Thursday, July 15, 2010

subdomainler için facebook insights

Bir sitenizin bir çok subdomaini var ve hepsini facebook insights ile takip etmek istiyorsanız bunun kolay bir yolu yokmuş efendim. Tek tek eklemek gerekmiş.

Şurda diyor ki :

As a domain administrator, you can now access sharing metrics and demographic information per domain and per URL so you can optimize your content for sharing and better tailor your content to your audience. To get started, you will need to associate your domain with a user ID or a Facebook application or Facebook Page that you administer. You can do this by clicking the green "Insights for your Domain" button on the Insights dashboard and adding the meta tag that is generated to the <head> section of the root page on your domain. If your site utilizes subdomains, the root file of each subdomain must be claimed separately.

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