Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Metor'a destek

Hi everyone -

It's been two days since we launched the 2014 Meteor Challenge. This week until June 30,sponsors from the Meteor community are donating $5 to CodeNow every time someone new stars Meteor on GitHub. If we can introduce 5,000 people to Meteor by then, we'll raise $25,000 for kids learning to code.

We've broken $6000, we're a quarter of the way to our goal, and my twitter feed is full of #meteorchallenge-- all thanks to you. We're right on track for hitting $25,000 next Monday. Let's see if we can kick it up a notch and get there early -- I want to see how fast you can raise 3,500 more stars.

Let's each take a moment today to share the Meteor ChallengeE-mail is the most powerful way to do this -- nothing beats a direct message from a friend. Forward this to your eng@ lists, developer groups, and school listservs with a quick word on why you think they should check out Meteor and star it.

We can watch the numbers go up together at Give a shout on #meteorchallengeafter you've e-mailed your friends, and I'll favorite/retweet you!

PS - If you're making money with Meteor, it's not too late to join in as a sponsor! Just and let us know how much you'd like to pledge. More sponsors means we can raise our goal, reach even more new Meteorites, and help even more CodeNow kids.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Twig Extension içinde Symfony ContainerInterface kullanabilme

config.yml services altında

  class: Sfapp\Common\Twig\SfappExtension
  arguments: [@service_container]
    - { name: twig.extension } 

arguments sayesinden extension dosyasında service container'a erişebileceğim.